Bunclody AFC

Founded 1969

Co. Wexford

Quick Update regarding our plans!, Please Read!

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We want to keep you updated and be transparent with regards to our fundraising efforts. So firstly let us say thank you. Thank you to each and every one of our members, thank you to the parents, thank you to our supporters, thank you to our committee, thank you to our bingo goers and a massive thank you to our community. Without you what we are achieving for our club and for the betterment of the town wouldn’t be possible.

Our Weekly bingo started up in May 2020, during the end of the first lockdown. This was a godsend as it allowed us to put vital funds back into the club! We put the new path and safety railings to the front of the building, we got more lights on our training pitch which was badly needed, we got some leaks in the roof mended and fully repaired, we were able to get some repairs to our mower in order to keep the pitches in tip top condition these are only a few things but without your continued support it wouldn’t be possible.

We have now set our plans for future projects in which we want to complete to make our club one of the most outstanding not only in Wexford but in Ireland and continuing to produce the top quality players we have done for many, many years. We have now started fundraising to turn our training pitch into a full size FIFA approved AstroTurf pitch. We want to tackle Phase 1 of our Carpark which would include tarmacking the front of the building (no more potholes 😀). We would like to refurbish our indoor AstroTurf which would include adding new rubber and making it a much better playing surface.

These are only a few of the projects that we want to complete but as always need your support. Whether that be coming to our bingo, joining as a member be it a playing member or non-playing member or buying a ticket for our bi-weekly lotto.

Oh yeah, lotto I got carried away from today 16th May Bunclody AFC lotto tickets will be available to purchase online, on the Clubzap website and app. It has been a long time since we had a lotto so hopefully it is something that we can continue to run for a long time to come.

To purchase a ticket online, click on the link below and the follow straight forward steps.

Once your purchase is confirmed, you will receive a receipt by email. You will also receive an email with the lotto results following the draw on the Thursday night (hopefully informing you that you’re a winner!).

The draw results will also be published on the club’s social media. We would greatly appreciate it if you can support the club by spreading the word of this exciting development. On social media, you can show your support by liking, sharing and commenting on lotto posts. Please note that paper ticket sales will be available at our weekly bingo.

Our first draw will take place on 27th May after our bingo. It will be streamed live on Facebook.

You can buy your tickets on https://bunclodyafc.clubzap.com/draws

AS always thank you for your continued support and we look forward to working with you in making Bunclody AFC a better environment for all.


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